Lecturer in Missiology and Pastoral Studies
Revd Patrick McGlinchey
BA, BTh, MA, PhD

Paddy has both undergraduate and post–graduate degrees in Theology from the University of Nottingham, and a PhD from Queen’s University Belfast. His academic interests include twentieth century Roman Catholic theology, the emerging church movement and Fresh Expressions.
Prior to ordination in the Church of England, he worked as a school teacher and later as the Coordinator of the City of Belfast YMCA’s Cross Community Schools’ Programme. His pastoral experience, which includes the planting of a joint Anglican/Baptist church in the Diocese of Norwich, has been profoundly motivated by his concern that the Church engage missionally with the culture. Prior to coming to CITI, he was the Church of Ireland chaplain to Queen’s University, Belfast. He is currently on the Church of Ireland Board of Mission and was previously on the board of CMSI. He is married to Helen and they have three adult children, Paul, Patrick and Timothy.
Joseph Ratzinger Society for Biblical Theology.
Church of Ireland Board of Mission
American Academy of Religion
Roman Catholic theology, Fresh Expressions, Creeds, Ecumenical theology.
Monographs and Editions
McGlinchey, P. A New Kind of Christianity (Belfast: CIEF Publications, 2007)
Heffelfinger, K and McGlinchey, P. (eds) Atonement as Gift: Re–Imagining the Cross for the Church and the World (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2014)
McGlinchey, P. Ratzinger’s Augustinianism and Evangelicalism: An Exploration in Ecumenical Rapprochement (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2017)
Elliott, M. and McGlinchey, P. (eds) Perspectives on Preaching: A Witness of the Irish Church (Dublin: Church of Ireland Publishing, 2017)
Elliott, M. and McGlinchey, P. (eds) Perspectives on Spirituality and Prayer (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2021)
Elliott, M. and McGlinchey, P. (eds) Perspectives on Pastoral Ministry (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock) forthcoming 2024
Articles and Reviews
Review of Nicholas Peter Harvey and Linda Woodhead, Unknowing God: Toward a Post–Abusive Theology, Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2022, in Search Journal, 2023
Review of Colin Buchanan, Did Anglicans and Roman Catholics Agree on the Eucharist? A Revisit of the Anglican–Roman Catholic International Commission’s Agreed Statement of 1971 and Related Documents, Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2018 in Anaphora: The Journal of the Society for Liturgical Study (Summer 2023)
Review of Laurence Graham, Hope from the Margins: Church History Informing Mission Today, Praxis Press, 2022, Church of Ireland Gazette
Review of Gary W. Burnett, Paul Distilled, Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2021 in Church of Ireland Gazette, Dec 2021 Issue 30
Review of Tim Perry (ed), The Theology of Benedict XVI: A Protestant Appreciation, Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies, Spring 2019
“It’s Transformed Lives That Make The Difference” in Church of Ireland Gazette April, 2019.
Review of P. Potter and Ian Mobsby (eds) Doorways to the Sacred: Developing Sacramentality in Fresh Expressions of Church in Anaphora: The Journal of the Society for Liturgical Study (Summer, 2018)
“Looking Back on the Christian Renewal Centre – Its Gift and Call” Search Journal Spring 2015
Review of Paul Bradshaw, Rites of Ordination: Their History and Theology in Search Journal (Autumn 2013)
Review of Daniel Treier, The Theological Interpretation of Scripture in Search Journal (2011)
“The Threefold Cord: The Fusion of Politics, Violence and the Gospel in Ireland”, Frontiers Journal (Autumn, 1996)