2nd year MTh Full–time Students
Rodney Blair

My name is Rodney Blair, I am a second year ordinand from Armagh Diocese. Before being accepted into training for ordination at CITI in 2018, I worked as a youth worker in Drumcree Parish in Armagh Diocese.
I enjoy playing rugby which I still play weekly, and enjoy going for walks with Judith my wife and my dog Maxi.
I am enjoying my time in CITI, and enjoying getting to know those studying alongside me, as we journey together and follow the path God has set before us.
My sense of vocation grew out of a desire to respond to the words of Jesus to Peter in John 21:15–23. Jesus asks Peter three times do you love me? As Peter responds yes, Jesus tells him to feed the sheep and care for His lambs. As I’ve grown in my love for Jesus Christ and His Church, I’ve felt increasingly called to care for people pastorally and to faithfully preach the word of God.