Part–time Co–ordinator of CME
The Revd William Olhausen
BA, MA, CPE, Barrister, BA, PhD

Called to the Bar (London) in 1993, William was ordained in the Oxford Diocese in 1998. He served as an assistant curate in Reading and then Cambridge before a first incumbency in the Diocese of Cork. Having served for three years as a school chaplain in the Diocese of Bath and Wells, he returned to Ireland in 2011 to serve as an incumbent in the diocese of Dublin. William earned a PhD in Hermeneutics from the University of Liverpool in 2007. He is a committee member of the Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar and a trustee of the Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology in Cambridge. He is married to Tanya and has three adult daughters.”
Memberships and Affiliations
Chair of the Biblical Association for the Church of Ireland
Committee member of the Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar
Associate Tyndale Fellowship
Member Institute for Biblical Research
Member Society for Biblical Literature
Research Interests:
Biblical hermeneutics, Pauline theology, theology of language, nationalism.
Dissertations Supervised:
(2015) ‘Kingdom theology: looking back to go forward.’
(2015) ‘Hope for the rural Church? The promise of growth in a rural Church of Ireland context.’