Continuing Ministerial Education at CITI

As part of CME we hold a three day intensive study programme for all curates in the first three years following their ordination to the priesthood. On the first day, Dr David Shepherd, lecturer in the Hebrew Bible at the Loyola Institute in Trinity College, led four sessions on the Old Testament: The Old Testament and abortion; the Old Testament and leadership; the Old Testament and stained glass windows; and the Old Testament and preaching from the lectionary. On the second day, Rev Dr Simon Taylor, canon chancellor for Derby Cathedral, led four sessions on the pastoral implications of René Girard’s work: Reading the bible with René Girard; Imitation, scapegoats and pastoral care; Working it through: texts and scenarios; and Girard and apologetics in an age of violence. On the third day, years 1 and 2 received training on domestic violence from NGO Women’s Aid and year 3 met with Rev Mark Harvey, Shankill parish Lurgan, to discuss and explore moving from curacy to incumbency.