Continuing Ministerial Education (CME)

Working out of CITI, Revd William Olhausen along with the CME team organised a Zoom meeting as part of the CME programme. (Annual programme for ordained priests in their first three years of ministry).
“It proved to be a very successful and encouraging time together! Archbishop John McDowell joined with us to lead us in a bible reading and reflection. + John spoke on 2 Kings 4: 9. On seeing Elisha walk past, the wealthy Shunammite woman remarks to her husband: “Look, I am sure that this man who regularly passes our way is a holy man of God”. The reflection focused on the place of holiness in Christian ministry. Even though we were meeting virtually, there was a real sense of fellowship and being ministered to by our new Archbishop”.
“Once we had prayed together we broke down into our pastoral support groups. This proved to be a great opportunity to catch up with each other’s news, to learn from each other and also to offer encouragement to one another. Next year’s programme may continue to be disrupted as we return to a ‘new normal’ but we will certainly be much more confident of being able to keep in touch and continue to learn and grow together in our discipleship”.
William Olhausen, Stephen McElhinney, Catherine Simpson, Laurie Randall, Peter Jones, Paul Bogle and Abigail Sines.