CITI June Online Course

CITI offered online lectures each Monday in June. As you can see from the comments below, this new venture was judged to be a huge success by both participants and academic staff.The four topics covered were:
Knowing God: An Invitation to the Journey of Discipleship (The Revd Canon Dr. M. Elliott) Spirituality in a time of abstinence: lockdown with Mary Magdalene (Dr. B. Nichols) Spirituality and Failure: Seeing Ourselves in a New Light (The Revd Dr. P. McGlinchey) The Psalms: Biblical Company for the Journey of Faith (Dr. K. Heffelfinger)
‘This short course has been an immensely worthwhile venture in relation to promoting CITI’s profile across the wider church. Those who have availed of the various sessions have been genuinely appreciative of the content that has been covered, and it is our sincere hope that the project has indeed realised what it set out to accomplish – a deepened level of facing God in order to face some of the many theological and spiritual questions which have been triggered in people’s minds by the global pandemic which continues to unfold around us during these days.’ Maurice Elliott
It has been a great privilege to meet two groups as part of CITI’s recent Spirituality series. Our participants were people with a serious commitment to their faith, and produced some fascinating insights into their own experiences as worshippers under lockdown. What they said reflected the real dedication of members of the clergy and parish officers who have ensured that the regular life of the Church has continued despite restrictions. Both groups responded to the sessions with questions across a wide theological range. These have been occasions when the speaker and the audience were learning together.’ Bridget Nichols
‘Our third on-line lecture this month for lay people focussed on the theme of 'Spirituality and Failure'. It explored whether the experience of 'failure' had within it the potential for spiritual growth and renewal. Taking Jesus' restoration of Peter in John 21 as its inspiration, it explored four positive outcomes that can accompany what seems to be apparent failure. The lecture was delivered twice and on both occasions involved engaged and lively discussion.’ Patrick McGlinchey
‘It was a great joy to be able to interact with two fascinating groups of people about the place of Psalms in our individual and shared journeys of faith. I am delighted to have been able to be a part of this exciting initiative in offering teaching from the Institute to interested adult learners from across the island of Ireland and beyond.’ Katie Heffelfinger
“May I add my sincere appreciation of the recent four lectures - they have been a beacon of light in these recent weeks” Ruth Galbraith
‘Many thanks and the four presentations were each wonderful in their own very different ways/topics. All in all it was very interesting and rewarding to catch a glimpse of CITI's work from the presenters.’ Eugene Carr
‘I was very humbled to be in the presence of the rest of the class and to witness their response. For myself, I didn't know what to expect or at what level the course would be at, but even at my age, I am a life long learner, and I enjoyed every bit of it. It was good to draw aside and listen to someone else for a change and thank you for your reflections.’ Bill Adair