MTh Class of 2024 Graduation
CITI was delighted to celebrate with its newest MTh graduates at the annual Commencements Ceremony in the Examination Hall of Trinity College, Dublin on Wednesday 27th November. Addressing all who were gathered, Professor Neville Cox spoke generously concerning the University’s historic relationship with the Church of Ireland, and he paid tribute to the calibre and resilience of those who had chosen to follow a vocation into ordained ministry. The Registrar described graduation as a new beginning for each individual, and he recognised both the importance of being in a community of shared learning, as well as the vital support provided by family and friends. The ceremony was presided over by Vice–Chancellor, Professor Shane Allwright, and was attended by the Provost, Professor Linda Doyle. Afterwards those present paraded across Front Square, with the photo below being taken on the steps of the College Chapel.
(From l–r) Rev Dr Andrew Campbell, Dr Katie Heffelfinger, Rev Daniel Fleming, Rev Caroline Brennan, Rev Mike Buchanan, Rev Melanie Sloan, Rev Cameron Mack, Dr Bridget Nichols, Rev Canon Dr Maurice Elliott (missing from photo Rev Mathew McCauley, Rev Shona Bell, Rev David Thomas)