Links between CITI and Hong Kong strengthened

These visits formed part of extensive research by Dr Jones in identifying best practice in staffing, administration and management of theological training institutions.
The impression made by CITI, and its development under Dr Maurice Elliott, culminated in a request from Dr Jones for CITI’s Lynda Levis and Daphne Metcalfe to travel to Hong Kong in early January 2014 to share their experience and expertise.
Daphne told the Church of Ireland Gazette: “Thanks to the encouragement and support of our Director, we were delighted to be able to accept Gareth’s invitation”.
“We were made extremely welcome by all members of management and staff. We were very pleased with the progress made in a number of areas, in particular, in reorganising personnel resources, and in enhancing administration systems”, said Lynda.
Dr Gareth Jones, Principal of Ming Hua Theological College, said:
“Lynda and Daphne’s visit to Ming Hua involved an in–depth critique of staffing and management arrangements at the College. That critique combined: detailed interviews and meetings with individuals and small groups; attending College planning meetings; observing staff members in the workplace; and discussions with the Principal of strategic plans.
“Their visit was an outstanding success, resulting on some very fine staff development opportunities as well as a detailed, sharp report with clear recommendations. This advice is proving invaluable in Ming Hua’s future planning.
“I was really delighted by Lynda and Daphne’s visit: it was a very rewarding experience for everyone and a great example of the developing partnership between CITI and Ming Hua. I look forward to further developments in the future, and to consulting Lynda and Daphne again as our College grows.”
Caption (Left to Right): Lynda Levis (Bursar, The Church of Ireland Theological Institute) Dr Gareth Jones (Principal, Ming Hua Theological College), Daphne Metcalfe (Secretary to the Church of Ireland Theological Institute)