Senior Student 2023–2024
James Shiels

Hi there! I’m James Shiels, a second–year Ordinand and my home parish is St. Michael’s Castlecaulfield, which is part of the historic Armagh Diocese.
My journey towards ministry has been one of gradual discovery. I’ve had to learn how to recognise God’s call and embrace the gifts He’s given me to serve others. Before I started studying at CITI, I dived into Theology, Ministry, and Mission, and got my BA at Belfast Bible College. Along the way, I also took on work in meaningful roles in the Charity Sector and the Political Sphere. These experiences have really shaped how I approach ministry and service and they’ve given me a deeper understanding of community, stewardship, and compassion.
Being a full–time student again has been quite the adventure. I’ve absolutely loved getting the opportunity to learn at CITI about how God is moving throughout the island and reaching people in all kinds of different settings. And let me tell you, getting to engage with and lead different styles of worship and liturgy has been such a blessing. It’s not just about expanding my academic knowledge, but also about growing in my own personal spirituality and practice. It’s been an incredible journey so far and I’m excited to see where God leads me in the future and how I can continue to grow in my ministry!